Configuring InterSLIP To configure InterSLIP: 1. Double-click InterSLIP Setup. 3 The window shown in the following figure appears. From this window, you can connect to or disconnect from a SLIP server and select a configuration to use. Once you have created one or more configurations, they will appear in the window beneath the Connect and Disconnect buttons.   To collapse the window: 1. Click the triangle in the left corner of the dialog. 3 The window shows only the current status and connection buttons in the dialog.   InterSLIP Setup saves the window position and state (that is, collapsed or expanded) each time you quit InterSLIP. SLIP Configuration To create a new SLIP configuration, name the configuration first. To name a new SLIP configuration: 1. Select New… from the File menu. 2. In the resulting dialog, enter the filename for the new SLIP configuration. 3 The filename appears in the configuration list. To edit an existing configuration or a configuration you have just named: 1. Double-click on the configuration name in the InterSLIP window. 3 The InterSLIP Configuration dialog is displayed.   Each configuration is saved to a file in the InterSLIP Folder, located in the System Folder under System 6 or in the Preferences Folder under System 7. To install an InterSLIP configuration created on another machine, drag the file into your InterSLIP Folder. If you rename the configuration, relaunch InterSLIP for the new name to take effect. To delete a configuration, drag the file to the Trash or highlight it in InterSLIP Setup and select Clear from the Edit menu. Serial Port Settings The upper left portion of the configuration dialog controls the basic settings for the modem or serial line. The port, speed, and initial data format are set by selecting values from pop-up menus. While InterSLIP can use any combination of data bits, stop bits, and parity for initially establishing the connection, SLIP requires an 8-bit-wide channel for proper operation. After the connection is established, the serial port is reset to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. If you have a modem cable or serial cable that is wired for hardware handshaking, or you are using an internal modem on a PowerBook®, check Hardware Handshake. SLIP cannot be used with XON/XOFF handshaking. If you are unable to use hardware handshaking, turn off compression in your modem, and run InterSLIP without handshaking at the modem’s modulation speed. Direct connections can operate without handshaking as long as the system on the other end of the serial line can keep up with the full data rate being used. Modem Setup and Dialing If you are using a direct connection to a SLIP gateway or another machine running SLIP, skip to Gateway Selection. If you are using a Hayes®-compatible modem that uses the AT command set: 1. Select Hayes®-Compatible Modem from the Dial Script pop-up menu. (This selection works with most popular modems.) 3 Additional items appear in the lower left section of the dialog.   If you are not using a Hayes-compatible modem, or need to customize how connections are established, see Dialing Scripts. 2. In the Dial pop-up menu, select Pulse if you need to use pulse dialing. Tone is the default value. 3. In the Phone No. field, type the phone number for this SLIP configuration. 4. If you want InterSLIP to send a particular initialization string to the modem before dialing (for example, commands to turn the modem’s built-in compression on or off), type an initialization string into the Modem Init field. If your modem’s defaults are set the way you want them, leave this field blank. Check your modem manual for information on initialization strings. Gateway Selection If you are using a connection that is dedicated to running SLIP without requiring login, skip to IP Parameters. If you are using a Unix® workstation or Telebit Netblazer™ with an account dedicated to SLIP: 1. Choose Simple UNIX/Telebit from the Gateway pop-up menu (this works with any gateway that prompts with login: and password:, and then begins a SLIP connection with a static address). If you are using some other SLIP gateway, or a Unix workstation or Telebit NetBlazer in a mode that requires more than logging in, select the appropriate script from the Gateway pop-up menu. If you are not using a gateway for which a script is provided, or if you need to customize how SLIP sessions are established after communications begin, install the gateway script (see Gateway Scripts ). Once installed, you can select the gateway from the Gateway pop-up menu. When you select a gateway, additional items appear in the upper right portion of the window.   1. Type your user name for the gateway in the User name field. 2. Check Prompt for password at connect time if you want to be prompted for your password each time you open a connection. OR Uncheck Prompt for password at connect time if you want InterSLIP to supply your password automatically at connect time. Then, fill in your gateway password in the field that appears. Storing your password in a SLIP configuration poses a security risk! Anyone using your Macintosh can connect to your SLIP server since InterSLIP stores your password. We recommend that you not use this option except in situations where you can guarantee the security of your Macintosh. IP Parameters A different set of IP parameters can be set for each SLIP configuration. To set IP parameters in the InterSLIP Configuration dialog: 1. Type the IP address into the IP address field if you use static addressing. OR Leave the IP address field blank if your gateway supplies an IP address. Supply the address of a Domain Name Server (DNS server) in the Nameserver field below the IP address field if you are running a Domain Name Service. Some applications may not recognize this setting. 2. Check RFC 1144 Header Compression if your gateway supports RFC 1144-compliant TCP header compression, also called CSLIP or VJ Compression. This improves response time, especially for interactive terminal sessions and similar kinds of traffic. 3. If your gateway supports or requires an MTU (maximum transmittable unit) size other than the default value of 1006, type the MTU value into the MTU size field. The maximum supported value is 1500. Saving the Full SLIP Configuration To save the SLIP configuration: 1. Click OK. (Or click Cancel to close the dialog without saving any changes.)